Low Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits

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Men who have been diagnosed with low testosterone levels are often prescribed testosterone therapy or low-T drugs. However, testosterone therapy is linked to a host of serious medical conditions and deaths.

Studies show men who are prescribed low-T treatments may have a greater risk of a heart attack or a stroke, leading to permanent damage or death. If you have suffered any of these side effects or lost a loved one after he took low-T supplements, you should talk to an experienced Virginia trial lawyer.

The Impact of Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human body. Men produce it in their testicles. Testosterone affects a wide range of functions. It impacts a man’s sex drive and physical appearance. It also boosts muscle and bone mass.

Testosterone levels decrease as men age. The American Urological Association, states about two out of 10 men over the age of 60 suffer from low testosterone. By the time men reach their 70s almost a third suffer from low testosterone.

Symptoms of low testosterone include the following:

  • Low sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Tiredness
  • Increased body fat
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Erectile dysfunction


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What is Low Testosterone Therapy?

If a blood test confirms low testosterone in a man, a doctor may suggest treatment. Millions of men who have low testosterone levels but suffer from no symptoms, are not prescribed treatment. Low T medication has not been approved for men with low testosterone levels because of aging.

An oral pill for low testosterone is not usually proscribed due to a potential link to liver damage. Typically, low T medication is prescribed via.

  • Gels: AndroGel and Testim are provided in clear packets. The testosterone is absorbed directly into the skin. AndroGel, Axiron, and Fortesta can also be applied via a pump that regulates the amount of testosterone prescribed by a doctor. A gel called Natesto may be applied inside the nose.
  • Skin Patches. Androderm is a skin patch worn on the upper body or upper arm and applied once a day.
  • Injections or Implants: In some cases, testosterone is injected directly into the user’s muscles or implanted as pellets into soft tissue. This allows a slow release of testosterone into the body’s bloodstream.
  • Mouth Patches: Testosterone may be released into the blood via the mouth using a tablet called Striant.

The Popularity of Low T Drugs

In recent years, more and more men have started taking Low T drugs. According to Drugs.com, an independent medical website, sales of the testosterone gel Androgel surpassed sales of Viagra in 2013. Often men feel a surge of energy when they first take testosterone supplements and it can be difficult to stop taking them.

The rise in the popularity of low T treatment is linked to a vigorous marketing campaign. However, a report released last year suggested Low T therapy has a little or no impact in addressing problems such as low energy and low sex drive, reported the New York Times. More alarmingly, Low T drugs are linked to serious and potentially-fatal health conditions.

The Dangers of Low Testosterone Therapy

Small numbers of men experience side effects of low testosterone therapy immediately. These include disturbed breathing, acne, breast swelling or tenderness, or swelling in their ankles. A rise in high red blood cell counts may increase the risk of clotting.

The risks of testosterone therapy over the long term are greater Men may experience:

  • Strokes
  • Heart attacks
  • Premature death

In 2010, researchers halted a study called Testosterone in Older Men when initial results showed men taking hormone treatments suffered more heart problems, stated Harvard Medical School.

There are other potential health impacts of low T therapy but less evidence to support them. Some doctors fear it could stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. The evidence is mixed because prostate cancer is common.

The FDA Issues a Warning About Testosterone Therapy

In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning related to products used to treat low testosterone. The FDA said the safety of low T products was not established and improved warnings on boxes should highlight the risks of strokes and heart attacks in low testosterone products.

Low Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits Are Filed Across The Country

More than 25,000 lawsuits were filed against AbbVie, Eli Lilly & Co., Pfizer Inc., Endo International and other manufacturers of low T products.

Juries have ordered AbbVie to pay $150 million and $140 million to two men who suffered heart attacks after using Andro Gel. A third AbbVie trial ended with a verdict in favor of the drug manufacturer.

Low T manufacturers Endo, Eli Lilly, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline reached tentative global settlements involving hundreds of cases brought against them.

If you or a loved one has suffered strokes or heart attacks after low testosterone therapy, you should consult an experienced Virginia dangerous drugs lawyer, it is important to act fast in these cases. Call the Smith Law Center at (757) 244-7000.

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